Alfred Reed

What Assets Do You Get To Keep After A Debt Consolidation Bankruptcy?


One of the biggest questions when filing for bankruptcy is what do you have to get rid of and what do you get to keep afterward? This is one of the things that stops many people from filing bankruptcy, but the things that you want to keep may be the same things that are weighing you down and causing you to be in debt. If you aren't sure about filing for bankruptcy because you don't think you'll be able to keep any of your assets, you may want to talk to a bankruptcy attorney to better understand the process and what all is involved.

11 December 2020

3 Things Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Do


When you need serious help with your finances, you might want to consider visiting a bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy attorney might recommend using Chapter 7 if you qualify for it. Chapter 7 bankruptcy helps in many ways, but it cannot solve every problem. Here are three things it can do, though, that can help you get through this tough financial time in life. 1. Provide Relief from Your Creditors

18 November 2020

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: 3 Essential Things To Know


Bankruptcy is a legal process that many people turn to when they need financial help with debt problems. If you compare the two main branches, you might discover that Chapter 13 is the right branch for you. You may also find that Chapter 13 is the only branch you qualify for when you need debt help. If you decide to use this branch, it might help to know a few things about how it works.

6 October 2020

3 Rules Of Declaring Bankruptcy


Every year, millions of people across the globe are faced with financial problems. For some folks, these issues are so significant that bankruptcy might be the best option. In addition to erasing debts, bankruptcy can help you to clear your mental slate to make it easier to start over. Here are three rules of declaring bankruptcy so you can have a successful experience.  1. Be Honest Sometimes, people hide liabilities and debts, either because they are embarrassed about the purchase or intend to pay them off on their own.

2 September 2020

Why Bankruptcy Isn't a Bad Word


For many Americans, the idea of retaining bankruptcy law services can seem like a black mark on their record. American bankruptcy law, however, is designed to give honest people a chance to get their finances in order without wrecking their lives. Bankruptcy isn't a bad word, and here are four reasons why you may want to reconsider it. You're Taking Control Bankruptcy attorney services are available to help clients take control of situations that require intervention.

30 July 2020

The Basics Of Hiring A Bankruptcy Lawyer


The notion of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer can seem a bit strange. After all, you're probably not in the greatest financial situation if you need to file for bankruptcy, right? There is, however, some logic to retaining the services of a bankruptcy attorney. Let's explore why someone would want one and what the basics of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer are. Why Hire One? Nearly all legal processes require some paperwork, but there's a good argument that bankruptcy takes the cake.

10 July 2020

What Happens With Your Vehicle After Using Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


If you have to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, one of your main concerns may be what happens to your vehicle. Here are some questions you'll likely have about one of your more expensive assets when it comes to how it could be impacted by the bankruptcy. Will Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Allow You To Keep Your Vehicle? Be aware that every state is different when it comes to what assets you can exempt under Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

12 June 2020

What Can't Be Included In Your Bankruptcy?


Bankruptcy doesn't mean you get off the hook from paying back anything at all that you have outstanding. There are a few things you aren't going to be able to include in your bankruptcy, things that you're going to still be responsible for. There are some things your bankruptcy trustee may require that you pay back. Read on for a few things you will not be able to include in your bankruptcy.

27 May 2020

Does Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?


Are you currently receiving paychecks that are lower than they should be due to wage garnishment? If so, are you struggling with other debts, too? If a creditor is garnishing your wages, and if you have other debts you cannot pay, you should consider evaluating bankruptcy as a way out of debt. Bankruptcy has the potential to stop wage garnishment and provide relief in other ways, and here are some things you should know as you consider this option.

29 April 2020

What Are the Top Differences Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 13?


Seeking help from a bankruptcy lawyer is a smart move if you reach a place where you don't know where to turn for financial relief. Bankruptcy can help you in this position, but you may need to choose whether to file under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. If your lawyer tells you that you qualify for both, you'll have to learn the differences between these two branches. Here are the top differences to know about as you make your decision.

22 April 2020